5 Common Mistakes Auto Body Repair Shops Make And How to Spot Them
When an automobile needs repair work, painting work or any other kind of maintenance, then it is natural for all of us to turn to auto body repair shops or mechanics for help. Since we ourselves are not aware of the technicalities of repair, we totally rely on the vehicle repair shop and accept any service they offer. But often, these service providers tend to make mistakes which we might not be able to detect or spot. These mistakes in servicing or repair may not prove good for the vehicle and may even change the appearance or working of the automobile as well. After all the last thing that you want is to go back to the repair shop for repairs after they have been done once.
The following are the 5 most common mistakes that auto body repair Manassas VA shops make along with the ways to detect them.
Bad paint auto painting work
Trucks, cars and buses often need paint repair as they get dirty or discolored after prolonged usage. But one of the mistakes that automobile shops make is bad painting work. The technicians may leave certain truck or bus areas exposed or do sloppy work. In order to take shortcuts, painters may leave out some of the parts which can be easily detected. To spot these irregularities, just check the vehicles from all ends and angles.
Improperly matching paint color on the automobile
Color matching is highly crucial when getting your vehicle repainted or painted from an area whose paint was chipped off. A well trained technician may have the experience of proper color matching but some inexperienced technicians may get the color wrong. It is rather easy to detect color mismatching by close inspection. This is a very common mistake by automobile repair shops and hence you must make sure you get the color checked before it is applied.
Failing to re-install equipment properly
This is another common mistake which is made by automobile repair center. Since technicians are always under pressure to do the work within a deadline, he/she may hurry things up and may fail to re-install parts properly after removing them for repair. These parts may lead to noises, squeaks and vibrations when the car moves. To check this, you must touch and see whether any part seems lose or different than usual.
Misaligned auto body panels
Another common mistake which these repair shops make is to misaligned the auto body panels. It is important to be precise while installing the panels correctly. To check this, take a close look at the gaps after repair work is done.
Neglecting the align wheels
Often, repair men do not pay attention to the alignment of wheels. Bad repair shops can overlook such things in order to save time and extra work. To check this, drive and car and observe the misalignment closely.
Contact BDM Trucks if you wish to avail commercial truck insurance or repair services in Manassas VA.